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Wednesday 28 December 2011

Things I Learned in 2011

"To the people who love you, you are beautiful already.
This is not because they’re blind to your shortcomings,
but because they so clearly see your soul."
By: Violet Vibrations

Wow. What. A. Year.
As this year is gently dissolving I find myself in a rather reflective mood. Looking back on 2011 is like watching the longest roller coaster ride ever!
To say this has been a year of Lessons is an understatement. Not only did I have my mind blown, multiple times, in ways I never imagined possible, but I experienced a whole new level of learning. This year, I'm certain, will go down in history as the year that everything changed for me.... The year that my eyes got opened wide and I started to see things clearly; for the very first time it seems. It's been "Interesting", that's for sure. Absolutely fascinating actually.

To all of you who've been a part of this year - thank you. And, yes, even the crazy angry spammers and those of you that follow, read and share "anonymously". LOL. Thank you. You've all contributed to making this year rather remarkable. Each and every one of you has been so important to me. For that, I'm truly very grateful. Here's a little bit of what I've learned from, and with, all of you:

-Everything that happens to you, even when it seems "bad" or negative, is leading you to a greater capacity for love. If you let it.

-Children are the spark of Life. They are pure, unadulterated Joy. And their presence has the capacity to heal, encourage and cleanse our hearts and souls.

-It's absolutely amazing how resilient we are and how much we are all capable of enduring.

-If something doesn't "feel right" it probably isn't.

-Positive, inspiring things are happening all the time, every day, everywhere. If you're not tuned in to them - you will miss them.

-Absolutely everything is energy. Everything. What you allow into your sphere of experience - everyone and everything you choose to associate with, is impacting your life in tremendous ways. Choose wisely.

-Never believe a guy when he tells you he "loves you" and that you're his "best friend" in the first month or two of dating. Ha! Chances are he says that to everyone and will keep saying it until he finds a girl who is equally as needy and desperate as he is.

-Most of the time, there really is no need to rush. So just slow down, turbo!

-Forgiveness is essential to true health and healing.

-Everything is constantly changing. So to ruminate about something that happened in the past is pretty much a waste of energy. It's done. And - it's already changed. Learn the lesson, and keep walking forward.

-What doesn`t kill you, definitely makes you stronger.

-When someone loves you, they really want you to be happy. Genuinely. When someone is repeatedly angry, rude and degrading - that is not love. It's a sickness and that person is responsible for their own healing. Not you.

-Sometimes you can send all the light and love in the world to someone, and meditate on Forgiveness until the cows come home. But if you are being harassed, abused or bullied - sometimes taking action is also required. Putting up with that serves no one. Sometimes you actually need to call the police, protect yourself, and hand the matter over to those who are better equipped to deal with it. There are laws that protect you against other people's b.s. Use them.
...Then continue to send love and light. :)

-When you fall asleep on the couch and wake up in the middle of the night - you don't actually have to go to bed. Sometimes just sleeping on the couch is really fun.

-There's absolutely nothing wrong with taking a "personal day" if you need one. You don't serve anyone when you're feeling awful. There's nothing more important than keeping yourself in a good space so you can be most effective - whether it's at work, at home or in your relationships. Sometimes an unscheduled day off is essential.

-When someone repeatedly uses the word `uber`in their sentences (eg: `that was uber fun!` or`this is uber cool`)that person lacks creativity and is trying to appear more interesting than they actually are.

-You are what you eat,(and drink). Hydrate, sweat, hydrate, sweat more, rinse and repeat.

-When a friend is angry or upset, it's ok not to know what to say/do for them. Sometimes just quietly listening is exactly what they need, and the most important thing you can do for them.

-Turns out being single is actually fun (and relaxing). Turns out I really enjoy my own company. Taking a break,by choice, from dating for an entire year (maybe more!)is also fun(and relaxing)and was probably the smartest thing I did this year. Who knew?!

-Revenge is futile. The only person it actually hurts is you. So - drop it like it`s hot. The Universe always maintains balance.

-Friends are definitely more important than money. But money is really wonderful to have too! It's ok to love money and desire more of it. Being abundant is just as spiritual as living in poverty by choice.

-Everything is Choice.

-Actions speak so much louder than words. Don't listen to what people say. If you want to truly know where a person's coming from - watch what they DO.

-...that being said...People are not their behaviors. Behaviors can be changed. People can not. Just sayin'.

-Sometimes the person who appears the meekest, and most insecure, is the one who is manipulating the most. Occasionally people learn how to get what they want by playing the victim. Victims sometimes want to stay victims. If someone doesn't want to be empowered, no matter what you do or say to assist them, will fail. You have to be willing to be ok with that. It isn't really personal. Let people be who they are.

-Nothing is really personal.

-I can love you, or anyone, fully and purely without needing you to love me back. How you feel,and what you do is up to you. Not me.

-I go out of my way for others and I'm now willing to accept the same because I deserve the same.

-I'm really good at what I do. Not in an egotistical way. But I've spent over a decade perfecting and working on my craft. I love what I do. I'm excellent at my job. I'm worthy of my own appreciation.

-We absolutely, unquestionably, create our own life experience, our own reality - every single day, every moment. What you think about, and talk about the most, is what you will literally create in your life.

Focus on What You Want.
Be grateful for what you have.

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